i write about myself and my experiences, and i don’t shy away from the taboo.
all topics are fair game. no language or emotion is barred.
much of my writing originates from my college years, during which i was struggling with a long-term eating disorder, as well as other mental illnesses. if these topics might trigger you, please use discretion as you scroll through the gallery.
thank you for joining me on my journey.

revision (2021)

to the universe: the mirror cento / the cento, mirrored (2020 - 2021)

Reticent, even when named (2020)

an embrace / for the tiger (2020)

we spent sunrise together / for liam (2020)

세상에서 내린 / given from the world (2020)

self-portrait as a summer spent at my grandmother's apartment in rural south korea (2020)

self-portrait as blue fabric (2020)

self-portrait as a beam of light (2020)

dramatis personae / weekend school (2020)

presentation (2019)

within our boiled universe (2019)

Before We Closed the Window (2019)

bogosipeo (2019)

Electronic Diary (2019)

Sonata for My Bruises (2019)

Stucco (2019)

Valentine (2019)